Codes Xploit: Shell
Showing posts with label Shell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shell. Show all posts


Hallo Sobat Kali ini gw update shell backdoor hasil recode dari IndoXploit V2 Dan gw kasih nama M1N3 5H3LL :V Ada Vitur Khusus jua lho :V kwkwkwkw
Ok langsung aja SS nya bruh ~~

Fitur ? Sini Sini ~
  • Mass Deface
  • Mass Delete
  • CMD ( Di atas noh )
  • Upload ( Di atas juga :V )
  • Config
  • Jumping
  • CPanel Crack
  • SMTP Grabber
  • Zone-H
  • CGI Telnet
  • Network
  • Adminer
  • Fake Root
  • Auto Edit User
  • Auto Edit Title WordPress
  • WordPress Auto Deface
  • WordPress Auto Deface V2
  • CPanel/FTP Auto Deface
  • K-RDP Shell
  • About
  • Steaming Hentai :V 
  • Baca Doujin :V
  • Music ( Bukan Auto Play tapi pakek tombol :v )
  • Logout #Plak iyalah masak ngak ada logoutnya :V 
Kak Kenapa ngak ada DefID Notifer? Karna gw lagi gak suka defid__-
Masa pas gw sumbit 502 mulu_- kan kampret eh kok malah curhat yak ? :V 
Dah bodo amatlah 

O iya cara login nya baca dulu ntar lo pada ngak tau :V 

1. karna gw pakek fitur login 403 jadi ubah url nya dulu biar bisa login :V 
Cara ubahnya gini contoh > target.coli/files/shelllu.php?x=login  nah jadi di tambah ?x=login lalu masukin password sama user ( ada di bawah )

Liat SS biar gak bingung !!

Pertama :
Kedua :
Ketiga ( selesai ) :

Ok langsung aja dah :v bingung gw mau ngetik apa :v 

Username : mine
Password Default : mine
Link Download : Pastebin | GoogleDrive

Password bisa di ganti kecuali user :V dan sekian dari gua semoga hari lu menyenangkan :)


Hallo Guys :V Kali ini gw update Versi ke 2 Momo-sama shell karna kemaren banyak bug ternyata :v ok langsung aja tanpa basa basi :v ea


Fitur Fitur Dari menu bawah sampe atas ~

Atas ~
  • Fb BruteForce
  • Twitter BruteForce
  • Gmail BruteForce
  • Joomla BruteForce
  • Eval
  • Password hash
  • Log Hunter
  • Jumping
  • Symlink
  • Config Shell
  • Reserve IP
  • WHMCS Decoder
  • INDISHELL Config Killer
  • Cpanel BruteForce
  • FTP BruteForce
  • Mass Deface Folder
  • Adminer
  • Mass Delete
  • Domain
  • Wordpress Auto Hijack
  • MySql Interface
  • Fake Root
  • Auto Bypass
  • NetSploit
  • Port Scaner
  • Bypass Forbiden
  • Server Info
  • Zone-h Notif
  • Encode / Decode
  • Whois
  • Admin Finder (403 Scaner )
  • Shell Finder V2
  • Cpanel & FTP Auto Deface
  • Wordpress Mass
  • DDOS
  • Streaming Hentai ( no Hoax )
  • Baca Doujin Hentai (no Hoax )
  • About
Bawah ~
  • Config V2
  • SymConfig
  • Mass Code Injecktion
  • Port Scaner v2
  • Vhost
  • Ngendexer
  • DB Dump
  • CSRF Exploiter
  • Auto Edit Title Wordpress
  • SMTP Grabber
  • Auto Edit User
  • VB Index Changer
  • BackConnect
  • K-RDP Shell
  • CGI tellnet
  • Desable Function
  • CMS Scaner
  • Auto Exploiter Lokomedia
  • Multi reset Password
  • Config Fucker
  • Doorking Tools
  • PrestaShop Exploiter
  • Exploit Elfinder
  • Magento Exploiter
Mirror ~
  • DefacerId mass
  • KampungBebas mass
  • NotifierId mass
  • Zone-h mass
Bypass Menu ~
  • Bypass /etc/passwd
  • Bypass Users Server
  • Bypass Perl Security
  • Bypass Forbidden with Python via TCP Protocol
  • Bypass Root Path with Zip File
  • Bypass Root Path with system function
  • Bypass Root Path with exec function
  • Bypass Root Path with shell_exec function
  • Bypass posix_getpwuid
  • Bypass PHP Suhosin function blacklist
  • Bypass Functions suPHP_ConfigPath
  • Bypass suPHP Security
  • Simple Bypasser
  • Read Files
  • Bypass Chmod Directory
  • Bypass Forbidden 2014
  • Bypass SafeMode 2014 Priv8
Untuk Link Download Bisa disini :

Versi Asli : ZippyShare | ICCNESIA ( 158 KB )
Ukuran asli hasil encode kelebihan kalo web ngak suport fileget ini tetep bisa kalo kalian mau versi mini tinggal bikin sendiri aja disini link tutornya 

[Release] AkatsukiChan Priv8 MiniTools Shell

Hallo :v Seharusnya kaliini gw update YRYR V2 yg ada Di mobilib Gw :v Tapi karna males V2 dari Shell Kemaren gak gw up kesini :V Bagi yg mau download bisa di download di sini Klik Me 

OK Back To Topic Kaliini Gw Upload yg Special Edition Yaitu Shell Priv8 Terbaik gw ya yg sering gw pakek tapi ini gw update sedikit untuk public biar ngak terlalu wibu :v  OK SS Silakan Lihat Di bawah ini :

Fitur ada 40 dan itu belom termasuk yg ada di Bypass menu ok
SS Menu Fiturnya :

  • Upload
  • Fb BruteForce
  • Twitter Brute Force
  • Gmail BruteForce
  • Joomla BruteForce
  • Eval
  • Password hash
  • Log Hunter
  • CMS Balitbang
  • Jumping
  • Symlink
  • ConfigShell
  • Reverse IP
  • WHMCS Decoder
  • INDISHELL Config Kilerr
  • C-panel Brute Force
  • FTP BruteForce
  • Mass Deface
  • Mass Delete
  • adminer
  • Domain
  • Wordpress auto Hijack
  • Mysql Interface
  • Fake Root
  • Auto Bypass
  • NetSploit
  • Port Scaner
  • Bypass Menu
  • Bypass Forbidden
  • Server Info
  • Zone-H mass Notifier
  • DefacerId mass Notifier
  • Defacer DB mass Notifier
  • NotifierID mass Notifier
  • Encode Decode
  • Whois
  • Admin Finder
  • C-panel Finder ( bisa di pakek Nyari Shell juga kalo beruntung )
  • C-panel & FTB auto Deface
  • Wordpress mass
  • DDOS
Gw juga masukin Fitur lapor Bug Di bagian About

Password : akatsukiXshiro (X nya besar)
Download link : Mobilib | Pastebin
Tested In : Windows 7 - Android Samsung J2