Codes Xploit: Python
Showing posts with label Python. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Python. Show all posts

Download HaxorScan 1.0 Multi Tools For Scan Website Informations With Python


Tools It's Supported By Terminal Command Prompt For Windows, We Publish At 01 - 12 -2017, Thanks To Friends Who Supported This Project

Supported With Command Features:

- Admin Panel Finder 

Admin Panel is a place where Administrators can manage and manage site content.

Command Usage : 01

- Dork

dork is really lazy, but here is dork itself is GOOGLE DORK (s). I can guess, surely if when you search on google with keyword "Tutorial Carding" while reading the tutorial you will find the words "Dork". Yes, actually dork itself is a weapon / tools heking * gubraakk: v that can be created by everyone with only creative brain mind, if you already know a little about dork, surely you assume dork itself point is to find targets for SQLi, Deface, etc. As inurl bla..bla..bla, intext bla..bla..bla, allinurl bla..bla..bla, + site: .bla..bla..bla .

Command Usage : 02

- Whois Lookup

Whois or voiced "who is" is used to get domain specific information such as domain name, ip address, name server and age domain. Whois lookup is a command line based application used to query against whois database.

Command Usage : 03

- Port Scanner

In the TCP / IP network protocol, a port is a mechanism that allows a computer to support multiple connection sessions with other computers and programs on the network. Ports can identify applications and services that use connections within the TCP / IP network.

Command Usage : 04

- Robots.txt Finder 

Robots.txt is a file at the root of your site that shows the inside of a site you are not allowed to be accessed by search engine crawlers. Files use the Robot Exclusion Standard, which is a protocol with a small set of commands that can be used to indicate access to sites by section and based on certain types of web crawlers (such as mobile crawlers vs. desktop crawlers).

Command Usage : 05

- Proxy Checker

The definition of proxy is a server that provides a service to forward any user requests to other servers contained on the internet. Or another proxy server definition is a server or computer program that has a role as a liaison between a computer with the internet.

Command Usage : 06

- Upload Panel Finder

Almost Equal With Admin Finder, But It Will Scan Places Where You Can Upload Image Submit Image Backdoor To Deface.

Command Usage : 07

.:: Download ::.

Download CPScanner Admin Login Page Finder With Python Script - Update


Python is a multipurpose interpretative programming language [9] with a design philosophy that focuses on code readability. [10] Python is claimed as a language that combines capability, capability, with very clear code syntax, [11] and comes with a large and comprehensive standard library functionality.

Python supports multi-paradigm programming, primarily; but not limited; on object-oriented programming, imperative programming, and functional programming. One of the features available on python is as a dynamic programming language that comes with automatic memory management. As with other dynamic programming languages, python is commonly used as a scripting language although in practice the use of this language is broader including the context of utilization that is not generally done using scripting languages. Python can be used for various software development purposes and can run on various operating system platforms.

Currently python code can run on various operating system platforms, some of which are:

Linux / Unix

Mac OS X
Java Virtual Machine
OS / 2

Symbian (for Nokia products)

Running : 

Usage : -t -v

Download Here

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Kali ini saya mau bahas tutorial Crack Cpanel dengan file phyton,

Sebelum nya copy file berikut lalu simpan dengan format .py, save as type:"all file"

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import os
os.system('color a') #green text
import re
import subprocess
import urllib
import glob
from platform import system

Admin login finder [ python ]

Kali ini saya akan membagikan admin login finder dengan file python.

1. Tentunya python wajib [ Download ]
2. File python admin login finder [ Download ]
3. CMD ( udah ada di PC kalian masing-masing )

1. Bukan CMD, tekan tombol windowns+R, ketikan cmd, enter
2. Pergi di mana kalian menyimpan file python admin login tadi

3. Masukan site target,
disini ada